Ayuntamiento de Logroño
Design, development and implementation of a system to configure Mifare SAM AV2 Modules, for the key storage of citizen cards.
Among the commercially available software, Palma Tools has its own SAM Management Software called PTSAM.
This tool allows the generation and management of the Citizen Card keys.
Its features are:
-Secured data storage through various encryption mechanisms.
-Secure application access by traditional users and roles management, but also with the optional use of access cards.
-Ability to require a minimum amount of authorized users to generate SAM modules.
-Configuration Module (profiles, properties, etc.).
-Ability to store the keys on external supports.
-Analysis of SAM modules.
-Fixed commands management.
-Stock Management.
-Ability to work with several NXP (Philips) card technologies, such as Mifare-DESFire EV0, EV1 and Mifare Classic.
Palma Tools has deliver a complete solution including hardware, software and support for configuration.
In addition it provided Technical Assistance to the City Council and suppliers.
Palma Tools generated the documentation and performed a training to the City of Logroño regarding the tool and also about the technology. We also trained and assisted the suppliers in the same issues.
Logroño’s citizen card is allowed to be used for the following services:
Palma Tools provided also technical assistance in the mapbit and processes design of the citizen card by working on these issues with ALTIA, the company in charge of it.
-Identification of discounts (big families, disability, etc.).
-Parking car.
-Public Transportation.
-Access to public sport places in Logroño.